VIBAN IFR View-limiting Device

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  • Description
  • Reviews

ViBAN is a true advance in IFR training. Its design is revolutionary and comfort unmatched. It is the lightest, most comfortable view-limiting device available. Read on to learn more.        

"Get your ViBAN!  It  provides a perfect view of the instrument panel while completely blocking the forward and side views. It is inconspicuous and folds into a sunglass size case". 
PLANE & PILOT Magazine

The view-limiting device is the piece of equipment used most during IFR training, so comfort and performance are critical. As pressures mount from performing difficult tasks in ever changing flight conditions, you will stay focused with ViBAN. It won't distract you by digging into your nose, temples, or ears like clunky hoods and safety glass types. Its ultra-lightweight, one ounce design makes it hardly noticable. "ViBAN was the most comfortable visor of was feather just don't  notice it and that's the best compliment for an IFR it was super compact"...We pilots love our gadgets and gear...ViBAN is the best out there.
Marc C. Lee, Contributing Editor, PLANE and PILOT Magazine